Revision Management Systems offer bespoke, simple, and easy to manage Management Systems for both SME's and larger companies written to the requirements of the ISO standards

We believe that a management system should be simple and easy to use within an organisation and give business owners and managers the tools to manage their own systems with optional support from a consultant dependent on each company’s needs. We also offer software that is tailor made to meet the requirements of the latest ISO standards updated in 2015.

Our approach

We believe that management systems should be relatively simple and easy to use within an organisation. We aim to implement simple systems that can be easily understood by company owners and managers.

By Aligning all of our management system documentation and software with the requirements of the structure of the ISO management systems requirements we ensure that compliance is easily achieved as well as a working knowledge of the standards requirements.


We believe a management system should be simple, sustainable and pratical.


Every organisation is different, so a management system should be tailored to its own unique needs.

Cost Effective

A management system should also be cost effectie in regards to implementation, maintenance and continual improvement.


We believe that our flexible and modern approach to management systems allows for cost effective and easy to manage solutions for every type of organisation. Including those who need very minimal consultant input and those who need thorough hands on solutions.

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