Teaming and working together makes the idea of any process, service or product development clearer and more robust that results in successful and happy clients. Our expertise and services are entirely based on the client’s requirements; easily customizable and effective.

Gap Analysis
The first stage of our consultancy process is to conduct a gap analysis on your organisation.
In plain English this is looking at what your company does/has and how far away it is from having everything in place in accordance to the standard you are seeking compliance in. It will involve a chat with management and a good amount of questions. Inspecting any relevant documentation that you may have. And having a site tour to gain an idea of the business process.
After the gap analysis is complete you will be sent full documentation of the findings as well as our own guidance and a breakdown of the costs if you decide to have us back in to assist with the process. Even if you decide not to have us back in after the gap analysis report we will provide you with an easy to follow list of requirements and needed actions included in the report for your management team to implement. You can then call us back in whenever you like or simply go for certification independently it’s up to you.

Guidence and Implementation
If you do decide to continue with our services we will put together all the required documentation. It is a mandatory requirement of ISO9001 that specific documentation exists within the organization. All the documentation that we produce will meet the requirements of the standard. If you have existing company documentation we will ensure it is revised to meet the requirements of the standard.
Our documentation will include:
Required Manuals
Required Policies
All relevant procedure documentation and forms
- Templates that will assist in making implementation easier .and will allow records to be formed in a more time efficient manner.
During the Implementation stage we will offer a wide range of advice to ensure that you get the best out of your management system. Good consultancy should be advice and you want to avoid implementing a complex management system that only the consultant can understand.
Gaining certification should never be a tick in the box process and a level of commitment should be displayed by top management.
Stage One - Certification Assessment
UKAS accredited certification body will visit the site and perform a stage one audit on your management system.
A stage one audit consists of a documentation review to ensure that mandatory documentation is in place as well as a management system manual that satisfies the requirements of the standard.
It usually consists of a site tour also.
After this and relevant corrective actions that are needed will be communicated by the certification body and if they are happy they will arrange a stage two certification assessment
Stage Two - Certification Audit
This is the second stage audit that is carried out by a UKAS accredited Certification body
This will be looking at the entire management system in more depth and also ensuring that any corrective actions from stage one are completed to a satisfactory level.
If everything is satisfactory then the certification body will recommend certification to the standard that the company is being assessed against.